Full Set vs. Lash Fill

Full Set

A full set is needed if you have no lash extensions or less than 30% of your lash extensions left. A full set will take up to two hours. Make sure you come to your appointment with clean lashes.

Lash Fill

A lash fill or refill is needed every 2-3 weeks after your last appointment. Our lash artists will gently remove any lash extensions that have grown and are not near your lash line anymore. Once that process is complete, our lash artist will start to apply new lashes. This process takes one hour to complete. Please come to your appointment with clean lashes.

Make your lash appointment today!

Bigger, Brighter, Youthful Eyes

Tired of putting on messy mascara day in and day out? Do you want to accentuate your eye shape? Book your lash appointment now!